
Sharing her expertise, experience, and advice is an important part of Dr. Dana McNeil’s mission to help bring relationship therapy to more people.

Her informed, friendly, and real-life applicable insights engage readers by giving them new perspectives on their relationships as well as the confidence to make changes that can have meaningful results.

Dr. Dana’s writing is equal parts professional and engaging and will leave your readers feeling inspired to take action.

D-Spot Conversations: Navigating Today's Complicated Relationships

If relationships were easy, every couple would have one that’s vibrant, healthy, and filled with joy. It’s not that simple. Relationships are complicated, challenging, and take a lot of work.

Dana’s new book D Spot Conversations is the latest step in her effort to help couples overcome obstacles and achieve satisfying, successful relationships. This books features guests from The D Spot Podcast,Estela Bobadilla, r. Kenneth Doka, Emily Silva Hockstra, Dr. Ian Jenkins, Dr. Steven Jones, Martha Kauppi, Katherine Miller, Shira Myrow, Dr. Tammy Nelson, Ken Page, Tilly Storm, Dr. Ari Tuckman, Joseph Winn.

D Spot Conversations will be free to download on Amazon Books May 3rd, 2023.

Eat This Not That Never say Family Health capture

I was featured in Eat This, Not That! 20 Thing to Never Say to Your Family About Your Health

I was able to assist Eat This, Not That! with their list of 20 things ... date ideas capture

I was featured in’s article: Best Romantic Date Ideas for Couples recently featured me, along with other couples therapists, with ideas for Expert tips for ...
Dana quoted on eatthisnothatcom things not to say

I was featured in Eat This, Not That! 24 Things You Should Never Tell Someone Who is Sick

I was recently featured in an article on Eat This, Not That! for a few ...
OprahMagazine_Romantic Fall Date Ideas_August2019

Romantic Fall Date Ideas – O, The Oprah Magazine

O, The Oprah Magazine recently featured some of my ideas in their Romantic Fall Date ...

Guest Appearance on Real Divorce Talk!

I’ll be a guest on Real Divorce Talk, a San Diego show on Facebook Live ... Article – Interview and Quote

I was recently interviewed by Aly Walansky for an article about kissing for Check ...

What Women Want Show – Featured Interview

I was honored to be interviewed for this episode – “It’s Complicated.” You can watch ...
faith and meditation

Why Meditation Works Well with Faith

A decade ago, you would be hard-pressed to find many people who knew anything about ...

Get in touch with Dr. Dana Mcneil
